Thursday, December 9, 2010
It's only been 2 years...
Feel the itch to blog again. Have missed being able to write. Stay tuned for a new look for the blog. My kiddos look a little different now!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Quiet Moments
I am here with a quiet moment and I can't stop thinking where did the time go? My baby girl turns 3 tomorrow and I feel like I can reach back and touch the day we got her referral. The day we saw her for the first time, the ache of not having her home. She has blossomed into this darling little person that makes my heart swell. She completes our family in the most perfect way. She is funny, bright, kind, sweet and SOOO incredibly spirited. She has such a zest and love for life that really amazes me. Some things have happened recently that have made me want to pull my family in close and squeeze them so tight. I appreciate my daughter, stepson and husband so much and I know how lucky I am to have them.
We went to the movies tonight and it was the first time Dani has sat through a movie at the theater. We had tried awhile back but she wasn't ready. Tonight she watched all of Madagascar and it was really fun. I tucked the kids into bed and as I type this she is singing to herself the way she does every night. A medley of tunes that change quite often. She knows so many songs it boggles our minds. I am so grateful that my dream of being a Mom was realized through adoption. Sorry I am babbling on and on but I really just had so many feelings welling up in my heart tonight with her birthday being tomorrow and seeing all of the changes in her lately that show me she is growing up. Not really a baby anymore! So....I want to wish my big girl a Happy Birthday and say Mommy and Daddy and Tyler love you with all of our hearts and you are the best doodle bug in the whole wide world!
I will post more pics this weekend!
We went to the movies tonight and it was the first time Dani has sat through a movie at the theater. We had tried awhile back but she wasn't ready. Tonight she watched all of Madagascar and it was really fun. I tucked the kids into bed and as I type this she is singing to herself the way she does every night. A medley of tunes that change quite often. She knows so many songs it boggles our minds. I am so grateful that my dream of being a Mom was realized through adoption. Sorry I am babbling on and on but I really just had so many feelings welling up in my heart tonight with her birthday being tomorrow and seeing all of the changes in her lately that show me she is growing up. Not really a baby anymore! So....I want to wish my big girl a Happy Birthday and say Mommy and Daddy and Tyler love you with all of our hearts and you are the best doodle bug in the whole wide world!
I will post more pics this weekend!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ok, I'm back. It's been 7 months since I last posted according to blogger and we have been busy just living life. Dani will be turning 3 on Friday and we have had one birthday festivity after another. My Grandparents are in town and the big family birthday bash will be this weekend. I can't believe our baby is turning 3 years old. Time is flying by and we are having fun. Tyler is doing great and really improving in school this year. He has a great teacher who seems to be doing a good job with him. Last year before middle school has us shaking in our boots but we are trying to focus on the positive! LOL
Here are a few pics from the last few months. I will try to start posting regularly again. I miss blogging.
At my cousin Judith's wedding in Houston. I love this pic of us. Just too bad Tyler wasn't in it or we would have our holiday card!

Tyler and Dani at the Pumpkin Patch

Big T

Mommy squeezing her ass into the ride because Dani was freaked out by the horn. Oh the things we do for love. My head was spinning when we got off but we had a happy kiddo!

Mommy and Dani riding the train at the pumpkin patch

More posts and lots of pics to come....
Here are a few pics from the last few months. I will try to start posting regularly again. I miss blogging.
At my cousin Judith's wedding in Houston. I love this pic of us. Just too bad Tyler wasn't in it or we would have our holiday card!
Tyler and Dani at the Pumpkin Patch

Big T

Mommy squeezing her ass into the ride because Dani was freaked out by the horn. Oh the things we do for love. My head was spinning when we got off but we had a happy kiddo!

Mommy and Dani riding the train at the pumpkin patch

More posts and lots of pics to come....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
FFF and I don't mean Favorite Foto Friday!
I can't believe flew by. 2 years ago today Daniela was placed in our arms FOREVER. On April 6, 2006, with tears in our eyes and joy in our hearts our daughter became a part of our family. She is the perfect daughter for us and she completes my life and heart in a way I never thought possible. She amazes us every single day and I thank God with all I am for blessing our lives with this child.

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I can't believe flew by. 2 years ago today Daniela was placed in our arms FOREVER. On April 6, 2006, with tears in our eyes and joy in our hearts our daughter became a part of our family. She is the perfect daughter for us and she completes my life and heart in a way I never thought possible. She amazes us every single day and I thank God with all I am for blessing our lives with this child.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008
These were taken on Easter Sunday. Love some of these shots. This one is my new wallpaper on my desktop:

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Thursday, March 27, 2008
FFF - Tagged
I have a lot of recent pics to post. I took Dani to see her favorite band this week...The Wiggles. It was a lot of fun and she really enjoyed it (ok, I did too). I will say thought that the couple behind us went beyond enjoying it with their kids and freaked me out a little bit. Mom and Dad and small girl were all in full Wiggles getup. Dad looked like a stand in for the wiggles. It was hard to keep a straight face as we took our seats. I really wanted to whip around and snap their picture for my blog but alas, I was too chicken.

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As you can see Carebear goes EVERYWHERE with us. Here she is when the show started. I think she was a little taken by all the lights, music, people etc.

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Here you can see she has gotten into it. She pulled some serious moves out of her bag of tricks. I have no idea where she gets them!
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Su Novio! Out of the blue she sat next to this boy. They were soo cute together

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Note to the Wiggles. The new Wiggle "Sam" is ok but the other guy was way hotter!
This weekend I will post some pics from last weekend. For the mean time Dani has been TAGGED by Candy and Kya Blu. So here goes:
The directions are to post 10 random bits about yourself and then tag 10 more people.
1. Daniela was given her name by her birthmother. Steve and I didn't agree on almost a single name and we had agreed she would be Zoe. When we found out her name was Daniela we both loved it and decided to keep her given name. We gave her a middle name Marisol which means "sunny sea". Somehow her nickname Dani has stuck and this is what we usually call her.
2. Dani loves to EAT. She loves almost all foods especially carrots, fruit, green beans, pancakes, macaroni and cheese, pizza and ice cream. She will not eat anything fried. Not even chicken nuggets or french fries. She eats more at most meals then her big brother Tyler. We are not sure where it all goes!
3. Dani's first word was "up". As in pick me "up" out of this crib.
4. She loves the Wiggles, her Care Bear, Dora and Elmo. When she says Elmo it sounds like "Homo". This is sometimes embarrasing for her Mommy when she says it out loud shouting and pointing in public. It's especially offensive since we live 35 minutes from San Francisco!
5. Daniela recognizes the letters D, M, O, S, X and Z and knows their sounds. This makes her mommy really proud. This is mostly attributed to the Leap Frog Fridge Alphabet. We spent a whole evening with my Grandparents where she walked around asking "Where's the Ass?". We later found out she was looking for the missing Letter 'S' for the fridge!
6. Dani's favorite place to be is the park. She loves swinging, sliding and climbing.
7. She is a morning person and loves giving hugs and kisses to her family when she wakes up.
8. Daniela is crazy about music and enjoys Laurie Berkner and the Music Together CD's most. When we are in the car music is required and it has to be HER choice. She is not interested in anyone elses music.
9. She has a great sense of humor and makes us laugh all the time. She is silly and gets jokes.
10. Ms. D loves to talk on the phone. Her favorite thing to say on the phone (repeatedly) is "heyo" (hello).
This weekend I will post a tag for Tyler. I am going to tag the following people:
Wendy -
Alleen -
Carrie -
Ellie -
Kelli -
Kelly -
Sarah -
Tracey -
Karen -
Ginger -

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As you can see Carebear goes EVERYWHERE with us. Here she is when the show started. I think she was a little taken by all the lights, music, people etc.

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Here you can see she has gotten into it. She pulled some serious moves out of her bag of tricks. I have no idea where she gets them!
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Su Novio! Out of the blue she sat next to this boy. They were soo cute together

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Note to the Wiggles. The new Wiggle "Sam" is ok but the other guy was way hotter!
This weekend I will post some pics from last weekend. For the mean time Dani has been TAGGED by Candy and Kya Blu. So here goes:
The directions are to post 10 random bits about yourself and then tag 10 more people.
1. Daniela was given her name by her birthmother. Steve and I didn't agree on almost a single name and we had agreed she would be Zoe. When we found out her name was Daniela we both loved it and decided to keep her given name. We gave her a middle name Marisol which means "sunny sea". Somehow her nickname Dani has stuck and this is what we usually call her.
2. Dani loves to EAT. She loves almost all foods especially carrots, fruit, green beans, pancakes, macaroni and cheese, pizza and ice cream. She will not eat anything fried. Not even chicken nuggets or french fries. She eats more at most meals then her big brother Tyler. We are not sure where it all goes!
3. Dani's first word was "up". As in pick me "up" out of this crib.
4. She loves the Wiggles, her Care Bear, Dora and Elmo. When she says Elmo it sounds like "Homo". This is sometimes embarrasing for her Mommy when she says it out loud shouting and pointing in public. It's especially offensive since we live 35 minutes from San Francisco!
5. Daniela recognizes the letters D, M, O, S, X and Z and knows their sounds. This makes her mommy really proud. This is mostly attributed to the Leap Frog Fridge Alphabet. We spent a whole evening with my Grandparents where she walked around asking "Where's the Ass?". We later found out she was looking for the missing Letter 'S' for the fridge!
6. Dani's favorite place to be is the park. She loves swinging, sliding and climbing.
7. She is a morning person and loves giving hugs and kisses to her family when she wakes up.
8. Daniela is crazy about music and enjoys Laurie Berkner and the Music Together CD's most. When we are in the car music is required and it has to be HER choice. She is not interested in anyone elses music.
9. She has a great sense of humor and makes us laugh all the time. She is silly and gets jokes.
10. Ms. D loves to talk on the phone. Her favorite thing to say on the phone (repeatedly) is "heyo" (hello).
This weekend I will post a tag for Tyler. I am going to tag the following people:
Wendy -
Alleen -
Carrie -
Ellie -
Kelli -
Kelly -
Sarah -
Tracey -
Karen -
Ginger -
Friday, March 21, 2008
FFF - Easter Pics 2007
These were taken one year ago. We did a little Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard for the kids and some friends. Dani had only been walking for a month and it was so much fun seeing her look for the eggs. I couldn't believe how much she had changed since last year when I pulled these out last night. Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy celebrating with your families.

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